one of many technical
and quasi-technical terms...
employed throughout the movie.
Dan Aykroyd is a true believer
in the paranormal.
He's a member of The American Society
of Psychical Research.
He's been intrigued with psychic
disturbances and paranormal activity...
since he was a boy.
Dan Aykroyd's original line here
was in reference...
to a "multiple
high-altitude rockfall."
In post production, Aykroyd looped the
famous "mass sponge migration" line.
Several dialogue changes
were the result of audience tests...
the producers ran
during post production.
Murray's line was inspired
by a canceled experiment...
proposed by John Lilly, a researcher
in dolphin communication...
who proposed drilling a hole in his head
to test some higher brain function.
The line..."That would have worked
if you hadn't stopped me"...
was pure improvisation
by Harold Ramis.
Though written in such a way that it
could be staged later in the studio...
this scene was shot in a caged area
inside the main reading room...
all part of the whirlwind shooting
session at the New York Public Library.
Much of Venkman's dialogue sounds so
characteristically like Bill Murray...
that many critics assumed he had
written or ad-libbed all his own lines.
In actuality, most of his lines
were scripted for him.
Co-writer Ramis said, "I like
putting myself inside Bill's head.
Even if I don't get it exactly, it gives
him a strong anchor to play off of."