Her scenes were photographed
on a stage...
at Richard Edlund's
Entertainment Effects Group facility...
in Marina Del Rey, California.
The footage was then composited
into the footage shot at the library.
The horrible ghost
was a mechanical puppet.
An even more ferocious version
was created and rejected...
but it did appear in another film,
"Fright Night."
Columbia University gave the film crew
permission to shoot on campus...
with the understanding that the school
wouldn't be identified by name.
Weaver Hall and the "Paranormal Studies
Laboratory" never existed at Columbia.
Though interiors could have been easily
shot on soundstages in Los Angeles...
a Columbia building
was turned into a "lab"...
by production designer John DeCuir
as insurance against bad weather.
If the film crew... costing $250,00
a day... couldn't shoot outdoors...
they could film in the lab rather than
lose a day in their shooting schedule.
Harold Ramis said, "In our first draft,
the Ghostbusters were tossed out...
of a small New England college,
and then they go to New York.
But we realized there was something
very vital about being in the city...