"Fortunately, Rick Moranis was, and he
really helped to tailor the character.
He came up with the idea of Louis being
an accountant, and the character...
really started to evolve
from that point on."...Joe Medjuck
After the movie was released
and doing well...
the producers
actually aired this commercial...
with an 800 number
on real television.
They got 1,000 calls per hour...
24 hours a day...
for six weeks.
The sprawling apartment house
interiors extended...
over two adjoining soundstages on
the Burbank Studios lot in Los Angeles.
They needed all the extra space...
for the physical effects crew
to do their construction.
Tiny cuts were made on the eggshells
with a small electric saw.
Each cut was filled with plaster,
then sanded smooth and painted.
During the filming, air was
injected into the eggs from below...
causing the eggs to split along the
cuts and spill out onto the countertop.
The countertop was actually
a teflon-coated aluminum sheet...
heated from below
with propane.
Note the Stay-Puft marshmallow bag.