Although the finished sequence...
bears only a cursory resemblance
to the script...
certain elements were retained...
at least in part.
Sigourney Weaver suggested
that "game show host"...
was both more amusing and more apropos
of Venkman's character...
than "used car salesman"...
as scripted...
and so her line
was changed accordingly.
The apartment sets on the soundstage
were designed by John DeCuir.
"John's entire crew
was really incredible.
We went into Dana's apartment set
the night before shooting and said...
'We want this changed,
and we want this changed.'
The prop people worked all through
the night, and the next morning...
the entire set was redressed to our
specifications."...Michael Gross
Some people have said
it would be impossible...
for a struggling young cellist
to afford this apartment in New York.