Ghost Busters

"Bill came up with the idea of this guy
just blowing it all up front...

'I'm totally in love with you.'
It was a really charming choice
and it changed...

the whole tone of the scene.
And so, when Sigourney was able
to stand there like a real person...

and say to Bill, 'You are so odd,'
it was totally genuine.

And she came up
with that line herself.

I loved it because it let
the audience off the hook...

and allowed them to say, 'Yeah, he is
odd,' so I think Bill...

and Sigourney and Ivan did a great job
on that scene."...Harold Ramis

Bill Murray had a line here...
"What a woman!"

It was cut out during editing.
Another casualty of the editing
process was a scene...

about a honeymooning couple on their
wedding night at the Sedgewich Hotel.

A foul-smelling ghost pays a visit
to their bridal suite...

which prompts this telephone call from
the hotel manager to the Ghostbusters.
