In the first Dan Aykroyd script, the
proprietor balked at a mere $500 fee.
In the script, the Ghostbusters
emerge from the hotel...
and are swarmed by reporters.
They hold a press conference and sing
their television commercial jingle.
That part of the script was deleted,
but the montage stayed.
"Most of the montage was shot
in one day in New York.
We had been working late
the night before with the full crew...
then got up early in the morning...
and went all over town
with a small crew, shooting stuff.
We went to Chinatown, Rockefeller
Center, Forty-Second Street...
Saks Fifth Avenue and
the United Nations, all in one day.
We just made quick stops
here and there.
That's pretty much the way
Ivan made movies in the old days...
a small crew, moving fast.
We had two small trucks
with equipment...
and Danny was actually driving
the Ectomobile, having a great time.
And the crowds on Forty-Second Street
are real.
You put Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd
on a street corner...
and you have no trouble
drawing a crowd."...Joe Medjuck