When fired under pressure, they acted
like invisible shotgun pellets...
to blow out the wall and windows.
The jail scene was shot on location
at the actual New York prison facility.
It was later decommissioned
by the city.
"The lockup was
just a terrible place to shoot.
It was dark and very crowded,
with low ceilings and dirt everywhere.
Dan Aykroyd said that if there are
ghosts anywhere, it would be there.
And he was right.
It had a very eerie feeling to it.
Later, we discovered scratches
in the film that was shot that day...
and we were all afraid we'd have
to go back there to redo the scene.
Fortunately, Shelley Kahn was able to
work around the scratches in editing...
and the reshoot wasn't necessary."
- Joe Medjuck
"Some things are impossible
to anticipate as you're writing.
When we actually
got to the jail scene...
and saw all those brutes
standing around us...
I suggested to Ivan that they watch us
and listen intently...
to all this physics and technical stuff
we were talking about.
It's a natural, but it's something
you wouldn't think of...
until you got to the set...
and saw the physical relationship
between everything."...Harold Ramis