Ghost Busters

"At the time we were shooting...
the big arrival outside
Dana's apartment building...

we still didn't know for certain...
whether we were going to be able
to use the 'Ghostbusters' title.

Negotiations were still underway.
I remember going into a phone booth
on the corner...

calling Columbia
and holding up the receiver...

so they could hear the 300 screaming
extras we had tying up traffic...

'Ghostbusters! Ghostbusters! '

And I said to them, 'You better damn
well get that title!"...Joe Medjuck

To create the gaping sinkhole...
a hydraulically operated
collapsing street was constructed...

at the Columbia Ranch in California...
backed up by the facsimile of
the apartment building in New York.

Since no permanent damage could be done
to the streets in New York...

the area around the actual
apartment house location...

was dressed with large,
jutting slabs of simulated asphalt.

The final scene combined shots
from the New York location...

and the sinkhole location
in California.

The stunt cost $250,000 in 1984.
