Let's talk seriously.
The entrapment
will cost $4,000, -
- but we have a special on storage
of the beast for $1 ,000.
$5,000? I won't pay it.
That's all right,
we can just put it back.
No, no!
All right. Anything.
Thank you.
Hope we can help you again.
Today, the entire Eastern Seaboard
is talking ofparanormal activity.
Alleged ghostsightings have been
reported across the tri-state area.
My Grandma would spin yarns
about a spectral locomotive -
- that would rocket past
her farm, but now ...
Ghost Fever Grips New York
Ghost Cops Bust Chinatown Spook
The phone-in topic is ghostbusting.
More sightings are reported.
Some maintain that the paranormal
eliminators are the cause of it all.
The Ghostbusters are atlt again.
This time, at a fashionable club.
They fought the pesky poltergeist,
then danced the night away-
- wlth some ofthe ladies
who wltnessed the disturbance.