- Hittites.
- The Mesopotamians and Sumerians.
Zuul was the minion of Gozer.
What's Gozer?.
- Gozer was very big in Sumeria.
- What's he doing in my icebox?.
Could we meet Thursday night
and exchange information?
I can't. I'm busy.
You seem to think
there is something wrong up here.
That I enjoy spending my evenings
with my clients. No ...
I'm making an exception
in your case because ...
... I respect you.
As an artist, and as a dresser, too.
This is magnificent.
- I'll see you Thursday.
- I'll bring the Roylance Guide.
- Who the hell is that?
- Just an old friend.
See you Thursday!
Sorry I didn't get to meet you, sir.
I'm glad you feeling better.
You're still pale, though.
- What does he do?
- He's a scientist.
This is where we store
all the vapours and slimers we trap.
A loaded trap here. Open.
Unlock the system. Insert the trap.
Close. Lock the system.
Set your entry grid.
Neutronise the field. When the light
is green, the trap is clean.
The ghost is incarcerated.
- There's a man from the EPA here.
- What does he want?
I don't know. I'm working too hard.
You promised to hire more help.