Cheery thought.
It's true. The suicide rate's
always the highest around the holidays.
Now I'm depressed.
Do you ever get depressed on Christmas?
I don't celebrate Christmas.
Are you Hindu or something?
No, I just don't like to.
What's not to like?
I mean, it's a lot of fun.
Say you hate Thanksgiving,
and nobody cares.
But say you hate Christmas, everybody
makes you feel like you're a leper.
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay.
I'm sorry. I'm just
a little tired and cranky.
Thanks for walking me home.
No problem.
Good night.
I was just wondering. Do you
get any free nights off from Dorry's?
Thursdays, yeah.
Because I was just wondering. . .
. . .if you're free this Thursday night,
maybe you'd like to go out on a date. . .
. . .with me?
I'd love to.
Well, that's great!
We can talk about it
on the phone and kind of. . .
. . .square everything away.
Good night, Billy.
Hey, there.