So that's why the Ohmu was so angry.
It seems he didn't inhale the poison because he was unconscious.
No, don't put out your hand that way.
He's small, but still ferocious.
Come to me...
Hey, don't be afraid...
Don't be afraid.
Say, you're not afraid, are you?
He was just scared. Heh!
Lord Yupa, won't you please give him to me?
I don't mind.
Wow! Thanks.
Kai and Kui!
Do you remember me?
Such a mysterious power...
Heh, tired?
You've ran a lot!
Is everyone the same?
What's the matter...?
It's Father!
Father doesn't fly any more...
Because of the forest's poison...
It is the destiny of all who live near the Fukai, or so I'm told...
I should have visited earlier.
It was really good of you to come...
Later, I want you to look at something.
My secret room!
Don't tell anyone, they would be afraid
I'll go on ahead to tell everyone you are here.
Teacher, you hurry, too!
Lord Yupa!!
Would you please carry this?
I can't fly well,
the air currents are disrupted!