You must not raise a hand against the Fukai!
Who is this old crone?
Take her away!
Let her speak...
Thousand years since the birth of the Fukai...
Humans have frequently attempted to burn down the Fukai.
But every time, a herd of Ohmu came, maddened with anger,
converged to become a giant wave
that covered the land and came as a flood...
Destroying countries, swallowing up cities...
The Ohmu ran until their own lives expired from starvation...
In due time, using Ohmu's corpses as the seed-beds,
the spores dropped their roots to the earth
and vast lands were swallowed by the Fukai......
You must not touch the Fukai...
Shut up!
I won't allow that kind of muttering.
My boy, what will you do?
Kill me?
Y... you!
Go ahead, kill me!
I'm old and blind.
It's simple enough.
Like you killed Jiru.
Lord Jiru ?
What does she said ? How terrible!
Even though Lord Jiru was ill!
Inhuman wretch! Murderers! Send them out!
Quiet them!
Don't be lenient with the disobedient ones.
Wait, everyone!
Listen to me...!
I don't want anyone else to die...
Please understand, Grandma...
Let's obey these people.