Sad world under our feet.
I had never seen a so dense vapor.
Rear seat! Look at your right!
It's nearby!.
It's still flying!
It's true! It really was!!
It's the Princess!
Princess !
Everyone! Hang on!!
I'll extend the rope.
The hook is broken.
Aerial retrieval is impossible!
I don't want to make an emergency landing
and being eaten by the bugs!
I'll just die without the honors!
Calm down!!
Throw out the baggage!!
Too late!
Listen to what I'm saying!!
Throw out the baggage!!
Rear seat! Cut the engine!!
Wh.. What ?
The engine noise is distracting.
Hurry !
Y.. Yes.
Pr... Princess !
Wh... What ?
Princess, your mask!!
You'll die!
Everybody! I'll save you for certain!
Believe me and throw out the baggage!
We'll do anything!
Please, hurry, put your mask on!
- The Princess is smiling...
- We're going to be saved.
- Throw out the baggage!
- The bow is falling!!
Ignite the engine!
We'll look for a place to emergency land!
A little bit... got in my lungs...