Go to bed now.
That's enough.
My heart's strong, Henia.
Strong! You hear me?
Are you keeping an eye on Miller?
Day and night.
Even in my sleep.
- Don't worry. The boy's fine.
- Then who is it?
No one, and you know it.
This is ridiculous.
You're your own worst enemy.
Pavius, please.
If it's not Miller,
then maybe it's you.
Mr. Felton, né Piebzhinski,
in Grodno, Poland!
We can destroy his French defense.
After bishop to B5,
he'll capture the pawn D4.
Queen to F6,
you sacrifice your advantage...
but now, queen to C3, check.
You take the rook.
And here's the deathblow: knight to E4.
Simple, isn't it?
Simple? Not really.
Everything depends
on the pawn on D4.
But it's very elegant.
It's dangerous.
But it's very elegant.
I like it. I like taking chances.