Les Nuits de la pleine lune

Also pinto in your house?
This one is my house.
- In the one of your boy - No, she is new.
- boring What - Less than what believed.
- They see it. - The suburbs get depressed to me.
How you can live there?
Remi works in the management of the new city.
I can seat?
had not fallen.
I do not believe in the new cities.
He yes.
- It could live in Paris - It is the double of expensive.
and he thinks that there is to live in situ.
and if it constructed a prison, would live there?
I am afraid that yes.
And you would follow to him?
Now either I have followed to him absolutely.
Almost all my things is here.
- And where you will put them? - What you mean?
- When you rent it - I do not rent it.
- And for whom dots? - For me. I need a site step.
What danger!
I am going to be very cautious..
Tonight you are here,
but later I will not leave that nobody raises.
Necessary to be single from time to time.
If it left Remi, thing that I will not do,
would not be for going to me to live with another one.
