Les Nuits de la pleine lune

Try to understand it, I like to amuse to me.
Perfect, but lets cry.
- You do not get upset! - I am not gotten upset! Leave me!
What happens to you? You are crying?
Already has watered down me the celebration.
you believe that I am frivolous?
He becomes angry and it displeases me to me.
it would be enough very little so that both we were happy…
we eat something?
When I am sad enters to me hunger instead of losing it.
I believe that you abuse a little Remi.
He is bothered immediately and you cause to him.
What you want that he does?
Always I have to him above.
But is logical that you leave together.
I would not have tolerated that Xavier left without me.
Because I yes.
Hopefully he left by its account.
- With its friends? - And with friends.
With you, for example. There is confidence.
With me?
So that no?
But with others…
I trust him.
And if one falls in love?
