Your orders, sir!
Take PapadopouIos and brief
him on our activities...
If I had forty goats
and forty sheep...
-What are you doing there?
-PersonaI Iaundry, sir!
During duty hours? Three
days confinement!
-Who's in the dark room?
-TriantafyIoy. He's unIoading!
Five days confinement
to both of you!
We have at our disposaI super
modern deveIoping machines...
aII of them designed and
fabricated in U.S.A.
The presence of this
muItinationaI mobiIe service...
in this cruciaI area...
proves the soIidarity
of the NATO nations...
as weII as their readiness
against any threat...
Where you said
''any threat''...
Make it ''communist threat,
internaI or externaI''.
Take from the top!
The peopIe expressed their
enthusiasm for the royaI visit...
With cheers for the
Crown and the Army...
the peopIe weIcomed the
RoyaI CoupIe...
who proceeded
to the town square...
and Ied the coIorfuI
IocaI dances.