Loufa kai parallagi

I have expIicitIy forbidden
smoking in the editing room!

But you don't
give a damn!

Five days confinement!
And I'm being Ienient!

But the new materiaI
is not infIamabIe, sir!

TaIking back, eh? Shut
up, you insoIent scum!

Smoking in the presence
of His Majesty! The pariah!

Carry on, boy!
As you see, our faciIities are
constantIy improving...

and, shortIy, they'II reach
European standards...

What are you doing here,

The Iighting paneI, sir.
Caramanos is a graduate
of the TechnicaI Institute...

of Tashkent... Russia!
A fine exampIe
of a Greek scientist...

who escaped communism
to serve his country.

But, sir, I'm on kitchen and
Iatrine duty aII the time!

There are no discriminations
in the Army, Caramanos!

Even if you're a scientist,
you'II be cIeaning shit!

That's the meaning
of miIitary service...

everywhere in the
civiIized worId!

Do you feeI anything?
Your big foot, asshoIe!
Do you reaIize that your roIe
is hundrend per cent erotic?

I do...
Have you ever made Iove?
SiIIy question!
Come on, Baby!
If you've never made Iove...
you can't pIay this scene...
