Sorry, boys,
no autographs.
We want no autographs.
We came to take you.
I beg your pardon.
Scram, you cIown!
We came to shoot
a fiIm with you...
-For the teIevision?
We'II heIp you.
Take the Iady's case,
Are we going
to the studio?
No, we'II shoot
on the AcropoIis.
-The crew wiII be there?
-We are the crew.
Our cameraman, our soundman,
our driver...
And yours truIy,
AchiIes Lambrou.
There's no director?
In case of emergency,
I can be a director too!
The HiIton is nice, eh...
Good service...
It's convenient.
You'II stay Iong
in Athens?
But I Iive in Athens...
In Pangrati...
I was at the HiIton
to have my hair done...
Go away, jerk!
The sun rises out
of your eyes...
The stars shine
in your eyes...
And your hands,
in my hands...
Like a coupIe of frightened