He had kiIIed a widow
with an axe.
-As you commies did in 1949!
-I was onIy three then, sir!
You shouId aII be sent to Sibe-
ria to meet this RaskoInikov!
Get Iost!
-May I take the Ietter, sir?
-Take it.
Don't touch this!
My son coIIects stamps.
What do you do, PapadopouIos?
In your free time, I mean.
Nothing, sir.
No organizations...
youth movements... unions?
No, sir!
How are your reIations with
your grandfather?
-He's dead...
In exiIe...
I hardIy knew him.
-What does your wife do?
-She's got two babies.
Since you do nothing
in your free time...
I'II give you a IittIe
book to copy...
You'II copy it with bIue
ink on white paper!
By the end of this month...
See that you don't Iose it.
-Is that cIear, PapadopouIos?
-Yes, sir!
you are out of focus.
Dear spectators,
good evening.
We're hear again to inform
and entertain you.
Today's programme incIudes:
The day's chronicIe...
An AustraIian
Kangaroos again!
They get them free
from the Embassy!
Mr Hadjicostas' reguIar show:
''Arts and Letters''...