What a fur!
The broads he brings are
dogs aII the time!
My girIfriend used to work
as a modeI in London...
I thought that you
might use her...
Yes, but we pay IittIe...
No probIem... She onIy wants
to keep herseIf busy...
Your ass is paradise,
-What are you doing here,sIobs?
-We came to Iearn the trade.
You miserabIe peepers!
Let's get ready!
Lambrou... KarIatos' card.
Let's go.
My dear Iadies,
good evening.
Tonight I'II present to you
the coming summer's coIIection.
You fruit! Pansy!
Fashion designers,
have aIways the same goaI:
To make us, men,
admire and adore you, Iadies.
Now, JuIie wiII present a Iight
pink dress with white Iace...