King Constantine and
the AIIies...
I fought with him back in '14.
He's stiII in a good shape...
You fought with his
Keep quiet, GeneraI!
You'II pick me up from home.
Don't forget!
Greek and British commandos
Iaunched a coordinated attack,
and broke through the
enemy Iines...
-Has the attack started?
-Run, grandpa, it's stiII time!
The cavaIry is coming!
-Do you feeI anything?
-I'm tickIish.
-Have you ever made Iove?
It's not possibIe.
If you've never made Iove,
you can't pIay the scene...
The audiences wiII
know you're phony.
As I touch you now...
a quivering of desire runs
through your body...
-I'm afraid, Panos.
-Don't be, honey.
-We might catch this disease!
-Insanity is not contagious!
The presence of the
muItinationaI mobiIe forces...
proves the readiness
of the NATO nations...
against any communist threat,
internaI of externaI...
Who are the Communists?
They're not the taking part
of these manoeuvres.