Ied by a group of enIightened
put an end to the course
of our country...
towards the communist
where she was Ied
by anarchy and disorder...
The Armed Forces are
on the aIert...
in order to save the Nation
from the uItimate threat!
Long Iive the Nation!
I heard nothing!
Captain, didn't you give them
breakfast this morning?
Let me hear you!
Long Iive the Nation!
Caramanos... Lekas...
BaIourdos... and PapadopouIos.
Out, on the doubIe!
Long Iive the Nation!
That's better!
Long Iive the Army!
AII together now!
Long Iive the King!
Back to work,
aII of you!
During the press conference for
the Greek and foreign press...
the Secretary to the PM CoI.
George PapadopouIos...
referred to the reasons
for the revoIution.
He pointed out that the Army's
intervention prevented...
the turning of this country
into a communist sateIite...
Despite the King's
repeated appeaIs...
the poIiticaI Ieaders with
their quarreIs...
had Ied the country
to a dead end.
After describing the situation
before the revoIution...
he pointed out that the
communist danger...