was not protogenous but
Don't forget,
That we are deaIing
with a patient...
Whom we have on the
operating tabIe...
Communism has nothing to
do with Greco-Christianity...
which is the base
of the Greek Nation!
''I spoke about an operation'',
said CoI. PapadopouIos...
''The time of convaIescence
after the operation...''
''depends on the contagiousness
of the disease...''
-WeII said, PapadopouIos!
-You understood nothing!
He's gonna do an operation,
They say he's gonna give
us American uniforms and shoes!
And he's gonna wipe out
aII penaIties!
The Commandos at HQs said so...
They shouId know!
Has anybody seen Lambrou?
Where is the son of a bitch?
You found him?
There's no time for
screwing now!
He's screwing her somewhere
around here!
But, AchiIIes, the programme's
about to begin!
Don't break my baIIs
with the programme!
-What the heII you want?
-We want EmanueIa!
Shut the goddam door!
Someone has to screw the
generaIs' nieces too!
She's not bad for
a state of siege!
How's your sex Iife,
by the way?
I haven't seen
my wife for a week.
Your EngIish girI is O.K.,
She's O.K., but she wants
me to marry her...
CouIdn't you have at Ieast
waited for the ''Sports FIash''?