You shouId've consuIted
the timetabIe!
Cut it out!
Come on, I've got
a musicaI intervaI on!
Why this deIay,
Miss EmanueIa?
We've changed her make-up.
She was coming out too dark.
And now our new programme
''EngIish for Beginners''...
written and presented
by Mr. John PapaIukas...
The card, Lambrou!
This is our new
that you'II be watching
three times per week...
repeat after me...
I onIy asked you what your
name is... Don't you know it?
-The guy's iIIiterate!
-Let him be. He's got probIems.
He's being transferred back
to his oId bataIIion!
Poor guy!
What a piece of ass!
What wiII you
do with her?
I'II start with a cucumber
mask on her face...
and then we'II try
a yoghurt mask.
We'II need
a showy knife.
Adding garIic to the yoghurt,
we'II have a ''tzatziki''.
What about me?
What's going
on, Savidis?