Loufa kai parallagi

I was so busy, sir...
I Ieft it at home...

You'II copy it
ten more times!

Are you sure we're
accounted for?

Of course! I toId von Canaris
that we're ''LoyaIists''!

Why don't we start
an advertising agency?

You'II be the designer...
Savidis the copy-writer...

He'II shoot
the commerciaIs.

And what wiII you
be? The pimp?

-Commies, you'II die!
-Cut it out, Lambrou!

Give me a Iight.
We are thinking
of doing some business!

CommerciaIs... We've got the
materiaI, the equipment...

The modeIs!
Why not shoot a feature?
With sex, etc.

-Who's gonna distribute it?
-For export, stupid!

-Greek sex?
-Sex and vioIence! The works!

A friend of mine
is in that racket...

Piss off, Lambrou,
with your ''friends''!

Stop writing this shit and
start writing a screenpIay!

''VoIuntary Press Censorship''.
Who's gonna pubIish that?

So start writing the script!
The diaIogues in EngIish.

DiaIogues too?
AngIo-Saxons aIways taIk
when they're making it!

-What about actors?
-A coupIe of girIs wiII do.

SouIa... and Cindy...
You kidding? Why
not EmanueIa?

If she pIays,
I'II pIay her kid sister!

PapadopouIos and MarIafekas,
report to the CoIoneI!

What have we done again?
What does he want?
A cigarette?
