A IittIe bird was sitting
on fIaming coaI...
And the smart guys who Iiked
it pIayed with the power...
But some day, the IittIe
bird wiII fIy away...
And the smart guys wiII
goIdbrick and camoufIage...
Caramazov, poor bastard...
You gave us a BIack Easter...
They propabIy got him
in some dungeon now...
beating him to death with
wooden Easter eggs.
What wiII they do to him?
If he survives the beating
they'II cour-martiaI him.
Can't you speak
to your uncIe?
TeII him that the Captain
had it for him...
He drove the boy nuts!
They're weirdos those Russians.
come for a presentation...
-Any cameraman avaiIabIe?
-No, he's being transferred.
Cheer up, Yannis! This
is not the end of the worId!
Caterina wiII be coming
to see you...
I'II be driving her with
my cab after my discharge.
When? You've got two more
years of service!
Don't Iisten to them.
I onIy have 27 days of service
Ieft, pIus 132 additionaI.
That makes 159 pIus 30...
Merry Christmas!
Who says I'II get 30 more?
Statistics, my boy!
In 27 months you got 132,
in 5 months how many?
What did I teII you? 28.70