A genious with numbers!
What the heII! I spent 3 years
at the SchooI of Economics.
And PapadopouIos had said that
he'd wipe out aII penaIties!
-Who, me?
-Not you! The other one!
Say cheese aII of you!
Not here. Under the bird.
-Come on, it was your idea!
-Leave me aIone, Lambrou!
I'm fed up...
With you and your bird...
Hi PapadopouIos,
with your scopes!
You got a Ietter.
What do the broads
from Athens write?
A IittIe bird was sitting
on fIaming coaI...
And the smart guys who Iiked
it pIayed with the power...
But some day the IittIe
bird wiII fIy away...
And the smart guys wiII
Ioaf and camoufIage...
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