Ref. Times 1 4-2-84, Page 3,
Byline 2, should read:
''Miniprod Forecasts lncrease
Chocolate Ration, April, 1984...
''from 20 to 25 Grams Per Week.''
I confess to spreading the rumor,
on orders from Goldstein...
that the war is not really with Eurasia,
but with Eastasia.
That, for years, in fact since the days
of our glorious Revolution...
I had no faith in our future.
I forged government announcements
and falsified figures...
quoted for agricultural
and industrial production.
As a result of mental disturbance from
my experiences during the atomic wars...
I was a willing subject
of Goldstein's influence.
I was stubborn and egocentric.
When ownlife thoughts occurred to me,
I reveled in them.
I went into the proletarian zones...
I had sex with prostitutes,
I deliberately contracted syphilis.
It was at this time
that I made contact with the Resistance.
I was personally contacted
by the archtraitor, Goldstein...
and ordered to assassinate
certain Inner Party officials.
This I did.
My agents forged documents
and gained entry into the Ministry....
"Thoughtcrime is death.
"Thoughtcrime does not entail death.
''Thoughtcrime is death.
''I have committed,
even before setting pen to paper...
''the essential crime
that contains all others in itself. ''