You'll pick up the gin on the way?
l'll have two.
2.9 million Airstrip One
Mark 5 submachine guns...
3. 1 million Grenville gas-operated
light machine guns...
Give me a gin.
2.2 million .5 Victory
recoil-operated heavy machine guns...
6 million rifle grenades...
9 million Perry pineapple pin grenades...
and 1.4 million lightweight...
anti-tank rocket projectors.
Food production is also up...
-How's the Newspeak Committee?
-Working overtime.
...butter, 2 percent, milk, 6 percent.
Plusbig waste is in adjectives.
Plusbig problem is timing the language
to scientific advance.
lt's a beautiful thing,
the destruction of words.
You won't have seen the Dictionary,
10th edition yet, Smith?
lt's that thick.
The 1 1th edition will be that thick.
So the Revolution will be complete
when the language is perfect.
The secret's to move from translation,
to direct thought, to automatic response.
No need for self-discipline.
Language coming from here, not from here.
Excuse me for intruding.
You're saying that we'll be rid of
the last vestiges of Goldsteinism...
when the language has been cleaned.
-l couldn't agree with you more, brother.
Praise be to our leader
and the Party workers!
Other munitions production figures
are as follows.
70,000 M-20 tank destroyers...