Incidences of leukemia, tuberculosis,
and meningitis have dropped considerably.
Improved diet has been responsible
for a dramatic decrease in rickets.
Eye diseases show a steep drop.
So, too, do deaths
from pneumonia and smallpox.
The improvement in
sewerage and drainage systems...
has resulted in better health, overall.
State rodent operatives
report a 50-percent reduction...
in the number of vermin
in the central proletarian zones.
l just want to finish by saying a few words...
about the impact
of this imminent neurological breakthrough.
When the orgasm
has been finally eradicated...
the last remaining obstacle
to the psychological acceptance...
of the principles of lngsoc,
as applied to artsem, will be overcome.
ln other words, the unorthodox tendencies
towards ownlife...
which constantly threaten
the natural erosion of the family unit...
will no longer have
the biological support of the organism.
As we all know, the biological and
social stimulation of the family leads to...
private reflection, outside Party needs...
and to the establishment
of unorthodox loyalties...
which can only lead to thoughtcrime.
The introduction of artsem, combined
with the neutralization of the orgasm...
will effectively render obsolete the family...
until it becomes impossible
to conceptualize.
Thank you.
Excuse me, brother.
You dropped your ink pencil.
Thank you, sister.
A pincer movement has developed...