When I went back, hours later...
my mother and sister were gone.
I never saw them again.
So it's not just staying alive.
lt's staying human that's important.
What counts...
is that we don't betray each other.
lf you mean confessing,
we're bound to do that.
Everybody does.
You can't help it.
l don't mean confessing.
Confessing isn't betrayal.
l mean feelings.
lf they can make me change my feelings...
they can stop me from loving you.
That will be real betrayal.
They can't do that.
lt's the one thing they can't do.
They can torture you...
and make you say anything.
But they can't make you believe it.
They can't get inside you.
They can't get to your heart.
l'm going to see O'Brien.
l know.
Outer Party Member 53922...
Hicks, Minirec, Proletarian Affairs Section.
Outer Party Member 22315...
Howard, Miniprod, Hospital Section.
Outer Party Member 9477 43...
Bolgar, Minitrue, Records Section.