Only the synagogue didn't send that.
I got that last week.
And the rabbi told me...
he sent those out about
eight months ago.
Yeah, that's right.
That's just about when I got mine.
-So what else did he say, the Rabbi?
-He said I was lucky.
The bodies of Philip Stein,
Maximilian Bercovicz...
Patrick Goldberg,
were already spoken for.
And they were up in a very fancy
cemetery in Riverdale.
What's this all mean?
It means...
"Dear Noodles...
even though you've been hiding out in the
asshole of the world, we found you."
"We know where you are."
It means...
"Get ready."
For what?
That's the one thing it didn't say.
What do you think?
I think the answer's here.
That's why I came back.
I moved everything in here.