Great stiff.
She died of an overdose.
Make it work for you.
And I'm ready for another.
Yeah. But what the hell are we
going to do with a martyr?
Come on, Noodles,
pump some life into her.
Times change.
You didn't turn pansy while
you were in there, did you?
Prohibition ain't gonna
last much longer.
Take it from me. A lot of you
guys are going to be out of work.
Go on, Mr. Sharkey.
We're interested.
There you go.
Turning over in the grave.
They do it every time.
You ever think of setting
yourselves up in business?
All those trucks they're
using to haul liquor.
They'll soon be selling
'em for nothing.
I'm talking about
hundreds of vehicles.
Controlled by a national
And supported by a
powerful union, headed by...
Jimmy Conway.
Whatever you ask, there's no
way he can turn you down.
You gotta be kidding, Sharkey.
Jimmy "Clean Hands"
do business with us?
They won't be clean for long
with the hands he's gonna shake.
Everything in good time.
Don't worry.
A pansy he ain't.
-You're welcome.
We're not interested.
What is the matter here?
You got a problem?
Thanks. Goodnight.
We got plenty of money tucked.
away. Why not invest it?
Hey, you wanna little pick me up?
What is the fuckin' problem?
I'll put the party behind you.
And I got friends in high places.
Oh, no, thanks. I've had mine.
Did you give her your all?
What do you think?
You bet your life I did.
I'm not interested in your friends.
And I don't trust politicians.
That's fuck, because you still think
like some schmuck from the streets.
If we'd listen to you, we'd still
be rolling drunks for a living.
-What's the matter? You broke?
-Don't bust my balls, Noodles.
-You broke?
-I'm talking about real money.
This is real money to me.
It's a lot of money.
You want any of it?
You carry that stink
of the streets with you...
the rest of your life.
I like the stink of the streets.
It makes me feel good.
I like the smell of it.
It opens up my lungs.
Wait'll you see this place.
It's got the best...
And it gives me a hard on.
It's over here.
You're carrying
dead weight around, Maxie.