Once Upon a Time in America

Hey, Noodles, Fat Moe.
You look terrific.
It looks like you lost an ounce or two.
You think I'm going
to lose hemorrhoids.

You can't recognize him without his apron.

Welcome home.
So what the fuck kind of maitre'd you, huh?
A new guy rolls into the joint...

you don't even show him around.
What's the matter with you, huh?

I didn't know. Hey, Noodles, I'm sorry.
Yeah, you're some bunch of shtunks,
you know that?

Hey, Maxie.
You don't come up and get me up there.

-He's the shtunk over here. Tell him.
-He said you weren't coming out...

How much money
we got put away?

until Monday.
So, you guys can go get him
the next time he gets out.

God forbid.
'Cause we're unemployed.
About a million bucks.
Come on, let's see
if you can guess who it is?

-Oh, yeah? Where'd you put it?
-In my underwear.

Charlotte russe. With a little
too much whipped cream.

-I'd have found it there.
-Hey! Huh?

Hey, you want me?
And my prices, they've gone up.

I work in a high-class joint now.
And I get paid by the pound.

And my Peggy, she's worth every minute
of it, too, my red hot mama.

Come on, come on.
We gotta reorganize, Max.
And I gotta couple
of good ideas.

Now you've seen your old pals,
I want you to meet some new ones.

Me, too.
If I had a million bucks,
I'd take it easy.

-Fagala, I'll see you later.
-Stay here all night or what? Come on.
