Do you think he still loves her?
How would I know that, Hunter?
I think he does.
How can you tell?
The way he looked at her.
You mean when you saw him in the movie?
Yeah, that's not her.
What do you mean?t
That's only her in a movie ...
a long time ago ...
in a galaxy far far away.
What are you looking for?
Um, I'm looking for ...
the Father.
Your father?
No, no, just a father.
Any father.
What does a father look like?
There're many different kinds of fathers,
Senor Travis.
Well I just ... I just need one.
You think you're gonna find him in there?
Well I don't know where else to look.
Oh I see.
You want to look like a father?
Tell me:
do you want to be a rich father?
- A poor one?
- No.
Eso gonpus.
In between.
No, no, there is no in-between.
You'd either be a rich father,
or a poor one.
Bueno, un momento.