Every single one of them.
You know....
Back in the old days, there were Johnsons
as far as the eye could see.
And what a lovely sight it was.
Have you seen these applications?
Have you seen what our new lady mayor
has brought us?
She is attempting to dismantle...
...one of this country's great institutions
of law and order.
What do you say to that?
The bitch!
-Yes, Chief.
The mayor says we've got
to take this flotsam.
But that doesn't mean
we have to put them on the Force.
You get my drift?
Weed the undesirables out.
Get rid of them.
No problem, Chief. We'll start
washing them out this morning.
We don't throw them out.
We encourage them to quit on their own.
Do you understand?
l think l understand, sir.
Thank you, Lieutenant Harris,
l'm sure you do.
Do you understand?
lt's clear as glass, Chief.
Then we all know what to do.
Sure are a lot of spades around here.