Which l think is good.
Very good for the Academy.
What the hell are you doing here?
l want to be a police officer.
What? l can't hear you.
l want to be a police officer.
Don't unpack.
Time to get thrown out.
What's your name, Cadet?
-You live nearby?
-No, sir.
What's your telephone number?
Come on, eyes front. Telephone number.
5-5-5-2-4-6-7, sir!
Okay, let's see the thighs.
Come on, l haven't got all day. The thighs.
What are you doing?
Meeting women, sir.
What's your name, dirtbag?
Your name?
Mahoney, sir!
Get back in line, Mahoney.
Can l have a second with you?
l don't really belong here.
Get...back...in line.
Mom, it's all right. Don't worry.
Come here, princess!
My name is Commandant Lassard.
Welcome to the new police force.
Your training time here will last...
...fourteen weeks.