You will be schooled in firearms,
police procedures, local laws and...
...many other things.
After 12 weeks, some of you
will be police officers, some will not.
Some of you will be....
Here at the Academy....
Here at the Academy....
You will learn....
You will learn....
Princess? Looks more like a prince to me.
Give me that dog!
But he's mine, sir.
But he's a queer.
Cadets, proceed to the supply room
and draw your uniforms!
Fall out! Let's go! Move it!
What about guns? When do we get guns?
-l'm a size 9, sometimes a size 10.
You three dirtbags report
to the Academy barber immediately.
Where's that?
Find it, rat face.
''Rat face?''
He probably meant the other guy.
What's that?
That's where the commandant
and his wife live.
Do you know where we get our clothes?
Yeah. You got to go right over there.
Go right in and tell them
Mahoney sent you.
Be out of here by 3:00.
Move it, dirtbag. l'm first.
And l'm next.
For important guys like you, l'll wait.
Take it all off.