Police Academy

Lieutenant Hoffman,
report immediately to the infirmary.

Hey, Thompson!
How do l look?
That wasn't funny this morning.
l wasn't trying to be funny.
l'd love to see your thighs.

Would you describe them for me?
Well, they're tan,
very supple, well-rounded...

...and luxuriant to the touch.
My name is Lt. Harris...
...in case you missed it.
This is Sgt. Callahan...
...in case you missed it.
We are the meanest instructors here.
We've got you because
you are the worst people here.

You people are D-Squad.
''D'' for ''dirtbags.''
When l say, ''Hey, dirtbags,''
that means you.

You people are going to hate my guts
for the rest of your lives.

l am going to make you sorry
that you ever came here.

lt is traditional here for each squad...
...to have two student squad-leaders.
l have chosen Cadets Blankes
and Dopeland. Step out, men.

lf these two cadets give you an order...
...obey it!
l thought it would be nice...
...if we were to close out
our first afternoon together...

...with a nice little stroll
around the campus.
