Every now and then you seem
to lose your Spanish accent.
What's up?
Every now and then.
-Can you keep a secret?
l'm not really George Martin.
l'm just plain old George Martin,
fourth-generation American.
l just use the accent to get the girls.
Does it work?
He's in the gym.
You'll pay for sending us
to the wrong party.
-l'll tell him.
-Not just pushups!
We'll get your fat ass thrown out of here.
You'll find out.
Mahoney isn't the only one
who can play tricks.
Take it easy. These ain't track shoes.
Just hurry up.
l'm in a hurry, too. l'm not comfortable
in these surroundings.
-Come on up.
-Up here?
When do l get the rest of my money?
When the job's over.
That's good. Why don't you
just sit down over there.
You scumballs, 30 minutes
to room inspection. Move it.
Hi, honey.
Got a light?
l don't smoke. l have a friend who smokes.
l'll go get him.
Mahoney, major problem.
My goodness!