[Lassard gülüyor]
[Metalik týklama]
[Borazan uzaktan çalýyor]
[Cýrcýr böcekleri cýrlýyor]
Peki, peki, peki.
Benimle uðraþmamaný söylemiþtim, evlat.
Ayaða kalk.
Þimdi, siz iki takým liderinin...
Bay Mahoney'yi buraya getirip
kusana kadar koþturmanýzý istiyorum.
Evet, efendim.
Ve sonra, kustuktan hemen sonra...
-biraz daha koþturun.
-Evet, efendim.
Öðreneceksin, Mahoney...
l told you not to try me, boy.
Stand up.
l want you two squad leaders...
...to take Mr. Mahoney here
and run him until he throws up.
Yes, sir.
And then, just after he throws up...
...run him some more.
Yes, sir.
You are going to learn, Mahoney...
...that nobody...
...with me.
Pick it up, pick it up!
This is great. Two assholes, no waiting.
Please just let me yell at him
without interrupting.