
...he is considered powerful enough,
if not popular enough...

:08:03 assure his own people that
the long-term economic benefits...

...from such an arrangement would help
his suffering country.

Excuse me.
Who is it? Is it the president?
- Mrs. St. John, just one more.
- Elizabeth!

How are you?
This is our car.
What do you got in there, a gun?
A gun?
A gun!
A gun!
I got him! I got him!
He got me! He got me!
At approximately 11:45,
when the president's banquet...

... in honor of the visit of the Emir
Khala'ad bin Abdul Majid was ending...

... and the would-be assassin
appeared in the crowd...

The information we have
developed so far reveals...

... that the name of that real-life
heroine is Sunny Ann Davis.

Her selfless act
in the face of danger...

The waitress threw herself
in the path of the bullet...

... from a would-be killer's gun.
- Jerry.
- What?

It's Sunny.
There is still no word as to her
condition. On the lighter side...

No identification yet
of the gun-wielding man who...

... to the horror
of terrified witnesses...

... made his abortive attempt
on the life of the emir.

We have not been told how serious
the brave Ms. Davis' condition is...

Oh, my God!
... or even where,
precisely, she was wounded.

