
From Washington D.C.,
CNN Headline News, top story...

I'd like to tell everybody
in America...

... that this is the best place to come
if you're ever shot in the...

Tonight, Sunny Davis speaks up.
Hi, Grandma...
Sunny on Monday at 7:30.
From Hollywood, The Tonight Show,
starring Johnny Carson.

Tonight, Johnny's one and only guest,
Sunny Davis.

She's got the gun here. See?
Okay, now run please, run.
Now she's opening her mouth.
See? She's opening her mouth.

- She's determined.
- She pulls him down.

See, there it is. She bites him here.
And he screams...

Coming up: saints, sinners
and Sunny Davis.

Good evening, tonight's lead story,
the celebrity of Sunny Davis.

Do you think you'd do this again?
Stay tuned, the news continues.
Oh, absolutely, Your Majesty.
No problem.
And we get the base?
- He really said that?
- Yes, Marietta, he really said that.

Well, I'm convinced.
Yes, but are we really being
fair to her?
