Purple Rain

He just plays a lot of shit
that nobody wants to hear.

Like his old man, Francis L.
Did he ever mess his career up!
Ruined his wife's, too.
Now The Kid's doing the same shit.
I hear he's having a problem with
his band...especially Lisa and Wendy.

They won't be together for long.
I'm telling you, you need to get rid of him.

I need to get somebody commercial.
Something that will work every night.

Like a girls' group?
Yeah, a girls' group. Yeah, Morris.
Something sexy, but not dirty.
I got enough problems.

I'll lay it on you straight.
I put together something hot...

...and The Kid is out, right?
THE KID: It's kind of dead in here.
Where is everybody?

JILL: I don't know. Billy and Morris
were sure looking for you.

That's nice.
Maybe I'll come back at a better time.
Think tonight this place'll be jumping?
Well, I'll be here.
JILL: Wait!
I've got something for you.
What? A subpoena?
A song Lisa and Wendy wrote.
Why didn't they give it to me themselves?
I liked it and wanted to listen to it.
JILL: They told me to give it to you
when I was done.

You really liked it?
(Instrumental rock beat)
Three and four, five...
