Are you sick?
How many girls have you done this to?
(Apollonia shrieks and moans angrily)
(Motorcycle engine revs)
Come on. Let's go.
I'm not going anywhere.
That was a rotten thing to do.
I'm sorry.
I tried to stop you.
(Instrumental rock beat continues
playing softly background)
I must have looked ridiculous.
No, you looked great.
THE KID: That took some nerve.
I wouldn't have gotten in that water.
Come on.
(Engine revs)
THE KID: Come on!
(Engine revs)
THE KID: Okay, okay...
Don't get my seat all wet.
(Instrumental version of Take Me With U
plays softly, background)
MORRIS: The girl has expensive taste,
but can she sing?
JEROME: As fine as she is,
she doesn't have to know how to sing.
(Jerome spits)
MORRIS: Hey! Watch it, man!
Stay out of the set tonight.
I want you to work the floor.