She's a nice girl.
And money on top of it all.
You're lucky, Hop.
I think she's the one, Nicky.
You know what I mean?
Johnny Lester came in today.
His brother's dead.
He died on an island.
Guadel, or...
- Guod...
- Guadalcanal.
Funeral's tomorrow.
Johnny said we're invited. Wanna go?
- I don't think so.
- Yeah.
Me either.
You know what I want, Henry?
I want an eagle right here.
A tattoo. Yeah.
Just wait till those Japs see me and
my eagle come charging over the hill.
Just come charging over the hill.
There's a war out there
somewhere, Hop.
So they're in this submarine, right?
And the Japs are going at them
with everything they got.
Guys are drowning. Guys are on fire.
There are sharks, and they got guns.
So you know
what Tyrone Power says?
He says, "Fuck them!" Just like that.
Tyrone Power never said,
"Fuck them. "
Right. And that's when he does it.