Repo Man

Looks like sausage.
It isn't sausage, Otto.
That's a picture of 4 dead aliens.

Laugh away! Lt'll be on the cover
of every major paper in two days.

How do you know?
- I'm part of a secret network.

A scientist in our secret sect
smuggled the corpses off an army base.

Now he's got them in
the trunk of his car, a Chevy Malibu.

We've got to find him.
What will you do with them,
put them on "Johnny Carson"?

Yes! We'll have a press conference
and tell the world.

United Fruitcake Outlet.
My door doesn't work.
No matter how appealing, do not
let strange creatures into your house.

Strange creatures are on the increase,
many seem adorable, but beware!

We know not whence they came...
Thanks for the ride.
- Sure.

Do you want
to go out with me again?

I don't know, I'm kind of busy,
with the Malibu and all.

Great. Terrific. Here's your shit!
What's your problem? Girls might
like you if you lightened up a bit.

Fuck! Girls pay to go out with me.
All right?

Wanna get back in the car?
What, here?
- Yeah.

Fuck the seat!
20,000 dollars for a Chevy Malibu?
