He doesn't exist.
Excuse me?
What's going on here, sister?
The experiment worked, right?
Were heroes, right?
I was covered in foam, right?
So what's all of this about?
I would like to see your superior.
You should both be happy that you're
alive and that you were unfrozen.
And what would have been the point
of leaving us frozen?
The experiment would have been
There were more important things
during the war than experiments.
What war?
We were supposed to be unfrozen
no matter what the political situation
might have been. What do I care
about some war of yours?
It was yours, actually.
We don't have any wars.
Shes crazy.
And who won?
The war! Who won it?
It doesn't matter who won
but who survived.
Excuse me, Miss,
where is Professor Kuppelweiser?
Dr. Lamia already told you.
That he doesn't exist?
What exactly does that mean?
Did he have another accident?
Just like all the others.
Excuse me, we would like to see
the director of this facility.
Im listening.
I would rather speak with a man.
They don't understand
any of it, sister.
Contact with a member of your sex
is... not feasible.
Not what?
You are the only males in existence.
Men have long been extinct.
They weren't Mammoths!
It seems they were.
In a manner of speaking.
Excuse me, what is the date?
March 8th.
You slept a little longer than planned.
Longer than three years?
Lve seen her before somewhere.
Excuse me, Doctor, I don't really care.
I had a contract for three years,
and now youll have to pay...